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Brain nutrition should be the main priority when we eat and reaching our brains potential, removing brain fog and improving existing mental health conditions while lowering the risk of future  cognitive decline illnesses like dementia and Alzheimers


 Brain Nutrition Revolution provides free workshops and information concentrating on 4 areas shown to have a big influence on brain health

(Gut Health, Inflammation, Eating enough good fats and removal of trigger foods)


As well as possibly improving mental health symptoms eating for the brain also enables the brain to perform at its true potential when fueled properly and consistent good mental performance becoming normal which is vital to us all from athletes and high-flying professionals to normal people being our at best for day to day life.


Brain Nutrition Revolution is also committed to the idea that all diets are accepted with no negativity towards people's choice of how they eat and we promote eating for the brain for every diet from carnivore to vegan by having different nutrition professionals who specialize in each area providing our information with us having a plant-based version of the workshop as well as the one for people who eat meat with their different requirements and nutritional needs addressed 

Mental Health  Nutrition

Focused on improving mental health symptoms with better diet


Introducing a way of eating with the goal of making existing conditions more manageable

Brain Performance  Nutrition

Improving all markers of cognative ability including memory, sharpness, mental energy and improved creativity 


For people who need to perform mentally at their best in sport, business or life

The 4 Key Areas Of Brain Nutrition (Boxes To Tick)

These are the main things that helped me with mental health and the things that can help others with mental health issues also 



Gut Health

The role of the condition of the gut and mental health is now widely acknowledged and studied and there are many ways we can improve our gut health


Lowering Inflamation

It is now known that inflammation is one of the main causes of illness in the modern day with brain inflammation now coming under the spotlight as causing or worsening mental health conditions and increasing chances of elderly cognitive decline 


Eating enough good fats

Fats play a massive role in our brain health and if we don't have enough of them our brain suffers in every way from reduced daily performance and memory to increased risk of elderly cognitive illness such as dementia or Parkinsons


Removal of trigger foods

Perhaps the most important box to tick is removing foods that are triggering bad responses in the body resulting in responses in the brain that affect our mental health and performance 

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