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Lowering Inflammation 

Lowering inflammation in the body is one of the main things you can do to improve your brain health and overall health in general with it becoming known as an issue with a lot of the population and may be a contributing factor to much of our sickness in society


Inflammation is when your body attacks something that it sees as an invader in the body and in the case of dietary inflammation this being food that enters the blood through the gut when it is damaged by certain foods 


Luckily there are many foods and tools we can use to achieve lower inflammation and all symptoms associated with it  including poor brain health and performance which is why it is included as one of the 4 boxes


If you follow all aspects of the 3 other boxes then your inflammation should automatically improve a lot with the removal of so many of the trigger foods for this but besides this learning specific ways concentrating on lowering inflammation specifically is beneficial in many ways mentally and for general health and like the other mental health boxes we tick is fairly easy to achieve once you learn the basics and using a few methods that lower it significantly alongside the removal of triggers


Even with the removal of the main trigger foods inflammation is inevitable in the modern age from the environment we live as well as most foods having a low inflammatory response and even stress being a contributor 


It is something we all benefit from being aware of and keeping low


fasting is one of the best tools for lowering and controlling inflammation by allowing the body to complete its processes and reset every day with a fast with a popular one being not eating before 12 or after 8


When we do this our inflammation lowers naturally every day before being triggered again when we eat


This avoids the negative outcomes of consistent long-term inflammation that never stops and is a constant way of existing for many people due to how they eat by constantly topping up foods that are a trigger for more inflammation which has massive negative effects on the body and the brain 


Alongside intermittent fasting just a few specific plants and herbs should be used for their inflammation-lowering properties which are quite powerful with many people finding massive improvement in just these alone but when used alongside intermittent fasting the results are consistent at massively lowering inflammation


Foods/Herbs that lower inflammation

Fasting to improve inflammation

Foods that trigger inflammation

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